Dragon Fruit Cactus - Pitaya


Dragon fruit, (also called strawberry pears), is an exotic cactus that is found in Asia, Mexico, and parts of South America. These trees are often used as ornamental plants and their fruit can be eaten fresh or used in many recipes. The pitaya fruit has gained popularity recently as a healthy addition to smoothies, ice cream and many other desserts.

The blooms of this plant are unique because they only open for one night of the year and they produce scents on that night that are considered surreal and exotically fruity.

Dragon fruit comes in three different types.

Hylocereus Megalanthus – This type of dragon fruit has a white fruit flesh and a yellow shell. The shell of this variation is a bit thornier than the rest of the variations, so it is rarer to see in a garden.

Hylocereus Undatus – This is a variation that has the same white flesh, but the exterior of this fruit is red in color.

Hylocereus Costaricensis – This type of fruit is red in coloration on both the shell and in the flesh. The flesh is often a deep red coloration that looks almost unnatural or blood–like.

Unlike most cactus plants, this one is a climbing plant that needs a bit of support to grow properly. It is a sub tropical plant that needs a lot of heat and humidity.

Soil Requirements – This plant is able to grow in any soil that is well draining, but it prefers to grow in sandy soil that is slightly acidic with a pH level that is between 6 and 7.

Fertilizer – It is recommended to fertilize every month during the active growing season and during winter no feeding for a few months.

Water – Because this plant is a cactus plant, it is important to make sure that you are watering it properly. Only water the plant when the top of the soil is dry to the touch, and do not allow the plant to sit in water. The soil needs to be moist, not soaked.

Light Requirements – The base of the plant can see a little shade, but the tips of the plant require full sun to ensure that the plant blooms properly. If too much shade is given to the plant, the fruit will not do well.

Temperature Requirements – Dragon fruit will not grow in cold climates, For optimal growth, the temperature needs to be between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Dragon fruit are ready to be harvested when the color has changed from green to red or yellow. The small wings in the side of the fruit will also start to fade and turn brown as the fruit ripens.

Productive Produce